
A Primavera Sempre Volta
Spring Always Comes Back
A história da avó Margara e seus quatro netos. A história de quem partiu e, sobretudo, de quem ficou.
Pão de cada dia
"Daily Bread" shines a spotlight on the rich complexity of language. It uses well-known proverbs and sayings in Spanish that all revolve around bread. These whimsical plays-on-words show the depth and ingenuity of how we all communicate. When we step outside our native country and attempt to make connections with others in a new language, it's full of challenges and triumphs. In this short film, an exchange student in Madrid finds resilience, humor, understanding...and maybe more.
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Rua Senhor dos Aflitos nº4, 1ºESQ
3800-260 Vera Cruz e Glória

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